Fact Finder

Statistics Overview

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Bournemouth and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Total Properties: 8
Total Active Adverts: 8
Total Rooms: 131
Rooms Available: 61
Area Statistics
Last Update: 21/10/2024 @ 0:39:22

Per Person Per WeekPer Person Per Month
Bournemouth town centre£103.85£103.85£103.85£450.00£450.00£450.001
Talbot Village£118.00£125.50£133.00£511.33£543.83£576.331
Talbot Woods£140.00£140.00£140.00£606.67£606.67£606.671
Average Price Including Utilities*
Last Update: 21/10/2024 @ 0:39:22
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Bournemouth town centre£103.85£450.001
Talbot Woods£140.00£606.671
Average Price Excluding Utilities*
Last Update: 21/10/2024 @ 0:39:22
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Talbot Village£125.50£543.831

* Included utilities are gas, electricity and water only.

Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 21/10/2024 @ 0:39:22].